sobota, 4. julij 2009


Pred tednom dni smo se poslovili od našega Luis Claudia, ki je cez poletje odpotoval v rodno Brazilijo. V tem obdobju treningov ne bo vendar to ni razlog za zanemarjanje capoeire. Da se izognemo 'zarjavelosti' se bomo občasno dobivali v parku Tivoli ali kakšni drugi lokaciji, v naravi seveda.

About a week ago we said goodbye to our Luis Claudio who has returned to his Brazil for the summertime. During this period the classes won't be held, but this is definitely not the reason to be neglecting capoeira. We will be meeting occasionally in Tivoli park or some other location in the nature for trainings or rodas.

See ya!

Mandinga dream team :)

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